The Dangers of Smoking Diabetes and Lung Cancer
Their Lethal Danger As A Trio
Smoking Diabetes and Lung Cancer
We now should all be aware of the danger of contracting lung cancer due to heavy-duty cigarette smoking. Warnings have been given out as many as 50 years ago on the dangers of smoking.
One of these warning is this shocking fact, in addition to all the risks that most people are aware of:
Active and heavy smokers run a high 40% increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
With this warning, if you still smoke, you should do something about it. Now. And if you know of anyone who still smokes, it would be kind to share this warning with them.
The usual excuse of “…it’s only a couple of cigarettes now and then…that can’t do any harm…” is really just, well…a lame excuse. It’s not good.
Why? Because even these “…couple of cigarettes now and then...” increase your risk of contracting type 2 diabetes by a whopping 200%. Even smokers who’ve quit still run a 15% risk of contracting type 2 diabetes.
That’s how severe even those “...couple of cigarettes now and then...” can be.
You really have to ask yourself this question:
Are these “…couple of cigarettes now and then..” really worth the risks of getting type 2 diabetes (and lung cancer and a whole host of other health problems)?
The Health Consequences of Smoking ~ 50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General, USA
The research examined the link between cigarette smoking and diabetes. A few obvious observations that were the direct consequences of smoking include:
- higher levels of inflammation
- increased levels of cortisol
- obesity
- increased oxidative stress.
These dire consequences can result immediately in
- insulin resistance and
- rampant uncontrollable blood sugar levels.
What is the remedy for these problems?
The answer is so simple, even a child can tell you: Very simply ~ QUIT SMOKING…IMMEDIATELY. You just have to stop. Basta. Full stop. Finito. Period.
It may not be easy but it will be worth it. Enrol the support of your loved ones. Do hyponosis. Do whatever it takes. But STOP…
Diabetes is NO Joke and certainly NO Fun
You don’t really want to become diabetic. It’s no fun.
You don’t see diabetics in ‘happy’ places enjoying themselves because they’re ill and suffering at home. Or they’re at the hospital full of gangrene and having their toes or their fingers or their legs amputated.
Then all sorts of complications result from this. It really is a matter of life and death.
Smoking is no longer ‘cool’ and has disdvantageous Cosmetic Effects
In addition, it’s not even cool anymore these days to smoke. It may have been in the 80s and the 90s, but no longer.
And when you smoke, there are other cosmetic disadvantages like ashtray breath, puckered lips, stained teeth, pasty greyish skin, smelly hair and clothes.
Research indicates the risks of contracting diabetes drop as soon as you stop smoking.
You know, at the end of the day, it all boils down to this: Make Smarter Choices. You have to make these choices consciously, actively and deliberately. ‘Deliberately’ means just that: intentionally. It’s really that simple..
In addition, you should stay away from smoky places as secondary smoke can cause just as many problems.
And if you still smoke, and you smoke in the presence of your children, your spouse, your loved ones, in the home, in the car…perhaps you should pause, reflect and ask yourself this question:
“Are their lives worth so little that you can continue to harm them for just a few puffs everyday?”
Food for thought:
Do you want to be a cancer or diabetes statistic?
Is your life worth so little?
© Helen Chow, ND
Health Sifu: Make Smarter Choices…Consciously. Actively. Deliberately.
“The Health Consequences of Smoking–50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General” 2014. Accessed at http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/reports/50-years-of-progress/index.html. 25 Feb 2014.