The 3 Big Cancer Culprits
Hidden Dangers You Should Be Aware of…

Cancer? Remove the causes of the problem first!
When a person is diagnosed with cancer, most doctors and oncologists will treat him/her with the usual therapies of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.
However hard it may be to believe, few doctors or oncologists will mention anything about the causes of cancer. Or getting rid of the causes first before commencing medical treatment. Why? I don’t know, but they don’t. Perhaps a few do, but the majority don’t.
If there is rust on your metal gate, you remove the rust first before repainting the gate, or else the rust will just come out through the new paint. Quickly.
If you are putting new wall paper on your walls, you strip out the old paper and sandpaper the walls first. You just don’t plaster on new wallpaper on top of the old. Otherwise, the new wallpaper will not hold.
When a child, I was allergic to shellfish. Every time I ate shellfish, my lips swelled up to enormous proportions. My grandfather, a medical doctor and a huge of lover of shellfish, encouraged me to continue eating shellfish as he had an antidote for my problem. I didn’t like being teased mercilessly by other children, so I didn’t follow grandfather’s advice or take his antidotes. I simply avoided shellfish like the plague and never had deformed, swollen lips again when I was a child.
So, too, for the causes of cancer ~ find out what they are and remove them first.
It is indeed a shockingly, sad and terrifying moment when anyone is diagnosed with cancer. However, remember that cancer does not appear all of a sudden on unfortunate, unsuspecting, innocent people. There has to be a cause or causes. Don’t take a cancer diagnosis as a finality that can’t be changed. It doesn’t have to be a death sentence.
So look for the causes first and remove them before you start any medical treatment. Speak with your doctor or a complementary health therapist for help.
The 3 Big Cancer Culprits (Hidden!)
1. Cancer Culprit #1: Amalgam fillings, Root Canals & Jaw Problems
A major hidden cause of cancer lies in your teeth – amalgam fillings, root canals and other jaw problems. These problems can cause cancer.
While you may not link cancer with oral health, it’s a fact that bad oral health affects not just your mouth, but your overall health.
Gum inflammation, toxic pockets of bacteria in the jaw and mercury seeping insidiously from your amalgam fillings can cause havoc to your immune system and rip it to shreds.
If these are the causes of cancer, then it would make no sense to simply focus on getting rid of the problem, since the cancer would simply return again and again and again, while you get weaker and weaker and weaker from all the surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.
Often, when root canals and amalgam fillings are the cause of the cancer and are subsequently removed, many patients get better, sometimes almost 100%.
So, get your amalgam fillings and root canals removed. Remove all old roots and clean out your oral cavity.
You must be treated by a biological dentist who has been trained to do all this.
2. Cancer Culprit #2: Unresolved Emotional Stress
This may surprise you that unresolved emotional stress can lead to cancer. While this may not be a 100% cause of cancer, many cancer cases stem from some form of trauma, emotional shock, grief or other psychological stress.
When diagnosed with cancer, it’s worth finding out whether there may have been the occurrence of a jarring event in that person’s life in the previous year or so. Has there been a death or a divorce that he/she is suffering from? Financial ruin? Fall from grace? Bullying?
Low grade stress and suffering may still continue for years after the initial shocking trauma has passed. So, you may need to go back to previous years when you may have had a great emotional shock/trauma.
3. Cancer Culprit #3: The Modern Diet
One of the biggest causes of cancer today is our diet, our food, what we buy at the supermarket and what we finally put into our mouths.
A life-time of faulty food habits, emotional stress and trauma plus bad dental work ~ and we’re bull’s eye candidates for cancer.
The typical modern diet is unhealthy. It feeds cancer all the things it loves: processed de-natured foods, plenty of refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, chemical white salt, heavy metals, hydrogenated oils and artificial chemicals and colourings.
These 3 culprits: bad dental work, emotional stress and trauma and the typical modern diet are packed neatly into a box called ‘CANCER’.
Of course, there are other causes of cancer like smoking, chewing tobacco, environmental toxins, radiation and vaccinations (many of which contain known toxins like mercury and formaldehyde). And many more.
Vaccinations are another touchy subject touched upon here.
Get rid of the causes first. After all, if getting rid of them doesn’t work and your cancer still remains, you can always opt for surgery, radiation and chemotherapy then.
Educate Yourself & Make Smarter Health Choices.
© Helen Chow, ND