Amazing! The Cancer is Melting Away!
In a study that was done and published by The National Cancer Institute and The Havard Medical School in the USA in September 1993, they found an anti-cancer diet.
A Study using Vitamins and Minerals at double RDA
A total of 29,000 people were involved for 5 years. These people were given different minerals and vitamins at twice the RDA for the USA.
Now, even twice is a trivial amount. They used vitamin C for one group: the RDA for vitamin C is 60mg and at double dosage, that would be just 120mg ~ very low.
And of course, the world-renowned Lynus Pauling, with 2 Nobel Prizes under his belt, said that to prevent and treat cancer with vitamin C, you’d have to use at least 10,000mg PER DAY.
Well, all the doctors who used to have arguments with him over his research were all dead long before Lynus Pauling himself died at the age of 93. Up until his death, he was still teaching at University of California, San Francisco. So the choice is yours whether to follow the advice of these doctors or to Lynus Pauling.
In this China Henon Province research on cancer, with double the RDA Vitamin C dosage, nothing happened; with double the RDA Vitamin A dosage, nothing happened; with zinc, with Riboflavin, with the trace mineral Millevdinum, with Niacin…with all these, nothing happened.
However, there WAS a major benefit in one of the groups. This group received 3 nutrients at double the RDA all at the same time: Vitamin E, Beta Carotene and the trace mineral, Selenium.
This is important for you to note and remember: If there is even a half percent benefit in any nutritional or pharmaceutical experiment, this IS A MAJOR IMPROVEMENT in the life of humanity. This is the reason why such articles get to be published.
Remember this statistic: A Half Percent Is A MAJOR Benefit.
As for any type of cancer, it was a 13% who survived who would otherwise have died without those 3 nutrients. This is 13 out of 100 who lived. The most prevalent cancer in the Henon Province at the time of the research was stomach and esophageal cancer. The result was an astounding 21% who survived, who would have otherwise died without the 3 nutrients. Imagine that: 21 out of 100 lived who would have died!
These are very heartening and significant numbers and you should remember this:
You have to be your own educator and watch dog. Your life and that of those you love and care about could very well be at stake. Take that responsibility VERY, VERY, VERY seriously.